This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Saturday evening Vigil Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-ClosingMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:42pm EST

Saturday Talk #5: “Fatima and the Problem of Russia: The Consecration and the Errors Spoken of by Our Lady,” Dr. William Thomas.

Direct download: FC2017-DrWilliamThomas2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

Saturday Talk #4: “The Authenticity of the Miracle of the Sun, October 13, 1917: Scientific Proof of the Defiance of All Cosmic Laws,” Gary Michuta.

Direct download: FC2017-GaryMichuta.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:38pm EST

Saturday Talk #3: “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” Colin Donovan.

Direct download: FC2017-ColinDonovan2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:35pm EST

Saturday Talk #2: “And a Great Sign Appeared in the Sky…The Lady of Genesis and Revelation: Mary’s Universal and Spiritual Motherhood and Her Powerful Intercession,” Dr. Robert Fastiggi.

Direct download: FC2017-DrRobertFastiggi2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:33pm EST

Saturday Talk #1: “Heroic Virtues of St. Francisco Marto and St. Jacinta Marto,” Sister Irenaeus, O.P., Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Direct download: FC2017-SrIrenaeus2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:31pm EST

This is Fr. Dave Tomaszycki's homily from the Saturday morning Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-SaturdayMorningMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:29pm EST

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Friday evening Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-FridayEveningMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:26pm EST

Mr. Colin Donovan discusses the newly canonized saints Franciso and Jacinta Marto and leads the attendees in reciting the Litany of St. Francisco Marto and St. Jacinta Marto.

Direct download: FC2017-ColinDonovan.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:24pm EST

Talk #4: “Penance, Penance, Penance–The First Saturday Devotion in Reparation for the Blasphemies Committed Against Mary’s Immaculate Heart,” Sister Irenaeus, O.P., Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Direct download: FC2017-SrIrenaeus.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:18pm EST

Talk #3: “Fatima: Actualities and Events, 1917-2017,” Dr. William Thomas.

Direct download: FC2017-DrWilliamThomas.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:15pm EST

Talk #2: “From the Cloud of Mt. Carmel to the Miracle of the Sun: The Prophecy of Elijah Revealed,” Dr. Robert Fastiggi.

Direct download: FC2017-DrRobertFastiggi.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

Talk #1: Have Nothing to Do with the Dragon, Fr. John Riccardo.

Direct download: FC2017-FrRiccardo.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:11pm EST

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the opening Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-OpeningMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:08pm EST

On October 13 & 14, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish hosted the Our Lady of Fatima 100th Anniversary Conference presented by A Call to Mary. The program for this conference may be downloaded here. This two day conference began on the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Portugal. Audio files from the Mass homilies and talks are archived on Fr. Riccardo's podcast site.

Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:05pm EST





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