Fri, 30 March 2018
Fr. Riccardo discusses the seven last words of Christ from the cross in this reflection from a Good Friday service at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. |
Thu, 19 May 2016
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish hosted a town hall meeting at the church on May 18th to update parishioners on everything that has happened at the parish during the past year and to inform them of future plans for the coming year. |
Tue, 23 February 2016
The 2016 Parish Mission titled Today Salvation Has Come to This House continued with this talk by Fr. Riccardo. Fr. John asks, "Will we let Him use us as vessels of mercy?" |
Mon, 22 February 2016
The 2016 Parish Mission titled Today Salvation Has Come to This House continued with this talk by Fr. Riccardo. Fr. John asks, "What is your deepest desire for your children or for your grandchildren?" |
Sun, 21 February 2016
The 2016 Parish Mission titled Today Salvation Has Come to This House opened with this talk by Fr. Riccardo. |
Sat, 14 November 2015
In this third of four scheduled Wednesday evening talks looking at some big questions that God has for each of us Fr. Riccardo addresses discusses Jesus' Surprising Question to Peter and to Us. |
Mon, 26 October 2015
In this second of four scheduled Wednesday evening talks looking at some big questions that God has for each of us Fr. Riccardo addresses the question What are you Looking For? |
Fri, 16 October 2015
In this first of four scheduled Wednesday evening talks looking at some big questions that God has for each of us Fr. Riccardo addresses the question Where are You? |
Fri, 3 April 2015
“I thirst for you” is the theme of our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. This message reflects the convergence of two thirsts - our thirst for Jesus that can only be quenched by knowing Him, and His thirst for each and every one of us at every single moment. The beautiful “I thirst for you” prayer written by Blessed Mother Teresa best describes this undying love, always there standing at the door of our hearts. Fr. Riccardo leads a Good Friday meditation with this prayer before the service at Our Lady of Good Counsel. |
Wed, 1 April 2015
On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Fr. John leads a reflection on the upcoming gospel reading during a Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. Deacon Vince Small leads this session. |
Wed, 25 March 2015
On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Fr. John leads a reflection on an upcoming Sunday reading during a Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. |
Wed, 18 March 2015
On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Fr. John leads a reflection on the upcoming gospel reading during a Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. Deacon Jonathan Fasnacht leads this session. |
Wed, 11 March 2015
On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Fr. John leads a reflection on the upcoming gospel reading during a Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. |
Wed, 4 March 2015
On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Fr. John leads a reflection on the upcoming gospel reading during a Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. |
Wed, 25 February 2015
On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Learn how to put yourself in the moment and encounter Jesus in scripture. |
Thu, 12 February 2015
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. In this final session, Deacon Jonathan Fasnacht discusses how parents can raise their children in the faith. Deacon Jonathan is a transitional deacon assigned to Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish prior to his ordination in June of 2015 for the Diocese of Winona (Minnesota). He is a seminarian at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. |
Wed, 4 February 2015
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. In this fourth session, Mary DelPup focuses on the dignity and vocation of women. |
Wed, 28 January 2015
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. In this third session, Fr. John discusses the mission and task of fatherhood. |
Thu, 22 January 2015
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. In this second session, Fr. John discusses Ephesians 5. |
Thu, 15 January 2015
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. For the first week, Fr. John discusses the question “Does the biblical vision of marriage have anything to offer us today?” |
Sat, 19 July 2014
The OLGC Evangelization Committee, in conjunction with Divine Savior, St. Damian, St. Theodore and St. Thomas A'Becket, hosted Dr. John Wood at OLGC on July 19th to conduct his seminar Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission. You can learn about and support this mission by visiting the Dynamic Catholic website. Dr. Wood was joined by musician Cassandra Acree of Simply RC. This is last part of a three-part podcast and is published with the consent of Dr. John Wood, Dynamic Catholic, and Simply RC.
Direct download: Ordinary_Lives_Extraordinary_Mission-3.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 6:46pm EST |
Sat, 19 July 2014
The OLGC Evangelization Committee, in conjunction with Divine Savior, St. Damian, St. Theodore and St. Thomas A'Becket, hosted Dr. John Wood at OLGC on July 19th to conduct his seminar Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission. You can learn about and support this mission by visiting the Dynamic Catholic website. Dr. Wood was joined by musician Cassandra Acree of Simply RC. This is part two of a three-part podcast and is published with the consent of Dr. John Wood, Dynamic Catholic, and Simply RC.
Direct download: Ordinary_Lives_Extraordinary_Mission-2.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 6:40pm EST |
Sat, 19 July 2014
The OLGC Evangelization Committee, in conjunction with Divine Savior, St. Damian, St. Theodore and St. Thomas A'Becket, hosted Dr. John Wood at OLGC on July 19th to conduct his seminar Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission. You can learn about and support this mission by visiting the Dynamic Catholic website. Dr. Wood was joined by musician Cassandra Acree of Simply RC. This is part one of a three-part podcast and is published with the consent of Dr. John Wood, Dynamic Catholic, and Simply RC.
Direct download: Ordinary_Lives_Extraordinary_Mission-1.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 6:35pm EST |
Thu, 22 May 2014
On Tuesday evening, a final session of Alpha was presented at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. Riccardo discussed the recent Alpha Conference he attended in London along with members of the Alpha team at OLGC and discussed the path forward for the parish. This podcast begins with Fr. Riccardo's address, the audio of the last Nicky Gumbel Alpha video (What Do I Do With the Rest of My Life?), and concludes with a question and answer session.
Direct download: AlphaConcludingSession052014.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:40am EST |
Thu, 7 November 2013
On Friday, November 1st, and Saturday, November 2nd, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church hosted retreat sessions for participants in the parish's Alpha course. The retreat sessions focused on the Holy Spirit, and included some personal testimonies. This is Fr. Riccardo's testimony from the Friday session. |
Wed, 27 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the Wednesday evening closing Mass. The podcast contains the opening testimony of Fr. Mateja, Fr. Riccardo's homily, and his closing remarks. |
Tue, 26 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the Tuesday night session. |
Mon, 25 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the Monday night session. |
Sun, 24 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the opening Sunday night session. |
Sun, 2 December 2012
On November 30th, Our Lady of Good Counsel hosted a town hall meeting to present plans for an expansion project at the church. This podcast contains the audio recorded at that event. The podcast is approximately 1:43 minutes in length. A question and answer session starts at about the 1:17 mark in the timeline. |
Wed, 29 February 2012
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Wednesday evening closing Mass. The podcast contains the opening testimony, Fr. Fones homily, and closing remarks by Fr. Riccardo and Fr. Fones.
Direct download: ParishMission2012-Wednesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 10:51pm EST |
Tue, 28 February 2012
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Tuesday night session. |
Mon, 27 February 2012
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Monday night session. |
Mon, 27 February 2012
The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th. Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep. This podcast is from the Sunday night session. |
Wed, 16 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's homily from the Wednesday evening concluding Mass.
Direct download: ParishMission2011-Wednesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:24pm EST |
Tue, 15 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's presentation from the Tuesday evening session. His handouts for this session are available for download.
Direct download: ParishMission2011-Tuesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 10:05pm EST |
Mon, 14 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's presentation from the Monday evening session. |
Sun, 13 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's presentation from the Sunday evening session. His bibliography for the parish mission is available for download. |
Sat, 28 August 2010
On August 26th, Fr. Riccardo addressed an assembly of teachers and administrators from the Northwest Wayne Vicariate of the Archdiocese of Detroit on the topic of Catholic Identity. |
Fri, 16 April 2010
On April 15th, Fr. Riccardo addressed the parents of OLGC school children regarding the curriculum for human growth and development education in the school. Principal Kay Reilly and Assistant Principal John Czaplicki also participated in the forum, along with Mary DelPup, Director of Religious Formation. Fr. John spoke about the school's plan to help students and parents learn about the beauty, the wonder, and the challenges of sexuality. |
Wed, 3 March 2010
The 2010 parish mission concluded with the celebration of Mass on Wednesday evening. In his homily, Fr. Riccardo cites concrete examples of Catholics bearing witness to their faith and becoming light to others.
Direct download: ParishMission2010Wednesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:54pm EST |
Wed, 3 March 2010
In this presentation from the Tuesday evening session of the 2010 parish mission, Turning Up the Flame, Fr. Riccardo discusses obstacles to evangelization and offers some remedies to overcome these obstacles. |
Mon, 1 March 2010
In this presentation from the Monday evening session of the 2010 parish mission, Turning Up the Flame, Fr. Riccardo discusses God's expectations for each of us. |
Mon, 1 March 2010
This is a podcast of the Sunday evening session of the 2010 parish mission, Turning Up the Flame. |
Sat, 27 February 2010
During Lent, the Stations of the Cross are prayed each Friday at 7:30 PM at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. Riccardo presided over this devotion commemorating Jesus' Passion on February 26, 2010. |
Thu, 19 November 2009
On November 18th, Fr. Riccardo spoke to the Family of Faith Group of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
on Taking Back Sundays: Keeping the Lord's Day. This is a podcast of Fr. John's address to the group. The Universal Prayer of Pope Clement XI referenced in this podcast is available here.
Thu, 19 November 2009
On November 18th, Fr. Riccardo spoke to the Family of Faith Group of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
on Taking Back Sundays: Keeping the Lord's Day. This is a podcast of Fr. John's homily from the opening Mass.
Thu, 21 May 2009
On May 19th, Fr. Riccardo spoke to the Men's Fellowship Group of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish concerning the faith challenges that young men and women face during their college years. In this talk titled Faith Under Attack, Fr. John offers his insights on keeping the faith while in college.
Fri, 25 January 2008
Session 4 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry. This is the final session of the mission.
Fri, 25 January 2008
Session 3 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry.
Tue, 22 January 2008
Session 2 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry.
Tue, 22 January 2008
Session 1 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry.