This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Bill and Carol Brewis continue a four-part series on Faith & Forgiveness with this third talk on Moments of Mercy in the Mass. This podcast begins with Fr. Riccardo's homily from the 7 PM Mass which preceded the presentation.

Direct download: YOF-DivineMercy3.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Bill and Carol Brewis continue with the second of a four-part series on Faith & Forgiveness with this talk on The Image of Divine Mercy.

Direct download: YOF-DivineMercy2.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 10:33pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Bill and Carol Brewis begin a four-part series on Faith & Forgiveness with this talk on The Feast of Mercy. This podcast begins with Fr. Riccardo's homily from the 7 PM Mass which preceded the presentation.

Direct download: YOF-DivineMercy1.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:04am EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Catholic apologist Gary Michuta concludes the four-part series on the Pillars of the Catholic Faith with this talk on Christian Prayer and The Our Father.

Direct download: YOF-Pillars4.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:17pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Dan Jones takes a look at suffering in this talk titled What Does Our Faith Teach About Suffering?  Fr. Jones is a professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.

Direct download: YOF-Suffering.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:24pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Catholic apologist Gary Michuta continues the four-part series on the Pillars of the Catholic Faith with this talk on the Commandments and the Beatitudes.

Direct download: YOF-Pillars3.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Pierre Ingram continues the four-part series on the Pillars of the Catholic Faith with this talk on the Sacraments of the Catholic Church.

Direct download: YOF-Pillars2.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Riccardo initiates a four-part series on the Pillars of the Catholic Faith with this talk on January 9th looking at the Cathechism of the Catholic Church. The handouts from this presentation may be downloaded here.

Direct download: YOFPillars1.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:23pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Riccardo concludes the three-part series on Vatican II with this talk from November 28th titled What About Them: Are They Going to Heaven Too?The handouts from this session are available here.

Direct download: YOFNostreAetate.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 10:50pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Steve Mateja discusses the November election with this talk on Where Do We Go From Here as a People of God?

Direct download: YOFVaticanII-1.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 8:38am EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Riccardo continues the three-part Series on Prayer with this talk from October 24th. The handouts from this session are available here.

Direct download: YOFPrayer3.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:45pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Riccardo continues the three-part Series on Prayer with this talk from October 10th. A list of Fr. John's questions for reflection from this presentation may be downloaded here.

Direct download: YOFPrayer2.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 9:38pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Fr. Riccardo begins a three-part Series on Prayer with this talk from October 3rd. The handouts from this session are available here.

Direct download: YOFPrayer1.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” In essence this is the question of faith. Answering this requires taking an in-depth look at what we believe about God, the Church and her teachings. This is the audio from Fr. Riccardo's opening introductory session which lays the foundation for the events planned at Our Lady of Good Counsel. The video clip that was viewed at the beginning of the talk may be found on YouTube. Fr. John's handouts for this session are available here.

Direct download: YOF092612.m4a
Category:Year of Faith -- posted at: 1:12pm EST





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