Fr. Riccardo encourages parishioners to serve the parish as Ministers of Hospitality in this video podcast in standard definition. It should play in iTunes, using Apple's QuickTime movie player software, on an AppleTV, or on a video iPod. It is a 113 MB download, so a broadband connection is recommended.

Direct download: HomilyOnHospitality2.m4v
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 7:43pm EST

In October of 2010, Fr. Riccardo led a pilgrimage to Poland. This video podcast was recorded on January 5th, as Fr. John and other pilgrims shared their reflections and photos from that trip. This podcast is 78 minutes in length, and the download size exceeds 500 MB.  Please be patient as the download completes. A broadband Internet connection is recommended. The podcast should play in Apple's iTunes application, or in other applications that support the Apple QuickTime video format.

Direct download: PolandPilgrimage.m4v
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 11:18pm EST

On November 27th, a Mass was held to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. His Excellency Allen Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit, presided at the Mass and delivered this homily.  This is a video podcast in standard definition. It should play in iTunes, using Apple's QuickTime movie player software, on an AppleTV, or on a video iPod. It is a 143 MB download, so a broadband connection is recommended.

Direct download: OLGC_90th_Anniversary_Mass_Homily_-_Mobile.m4v
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 11:53am EST

May 1, 2009-Streamer Day Mass Homily Each year Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel with a Streamer Day mass to recognize the eighth grade students who will soon complete their final studies at the elementary school. Fr. Riccardo's homily from this year's mass is presented here in video format. The homily should play in iTunes or using Apple's QuickTime software.
Direct download: StreamerDayHomily.m4v
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

June 5, 2008-Graduation Mass Homily Fr. Riccardo addressed the Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School eighth grade graduating class with this homily at the graduation mass on June 5, 2008. This is a video podcast in standard definition. It should play in iTunes, using Apple's QuickTime movie player, on an AppleTV, or on a video iPod. It is a 116 MB download, so a broadband connection is recommended.
Direct download: GraduationHomily2008.m4v
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

The Choices We Face-A Voice for the Word Fr. Riccardo was recently a guest on The Choices We Face, a television production of Renewal Ministries hosted by Mr. Ralph Martin. Father John spoke on the topic A Voice for the Word. The television interview has been posted here with the permission of Renewal Ministries. You may find additional information about Renewal Ministries at their website. This presentation is in video format, and should play within iTunes or QuickTime. This file is nearly 400 MB in size. Please be patient and wait for it to download. A broadband connection is highly recommended.
Direct download: AVoiceForTheWorld.mp4
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

The Choices We Face-The Power of Forgiveness Fr. Riccardo was recently a guest on The Choices We Face, a television production of Renewal Ministries hosted by Mr. Ralph Martin. Father John spoke on the topic of The Power of Forgiveness. The television interview has been posted here with the permission of Renewal Ministries. You may find additional information about Renewal Ministries at their website. This presentation is in video format, and should play within iTunes or QuickTime. This file is nearly 400 MB in size. Please be patient and wait for it to download. A broadband connection is highly recommended.
Direct download: Forgiveness.mp4
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Why Rome Is Home For Catholics Join Fr. John on this Scavi Tour.  From Tap on Theology May 10th, 2006
Direct download: WhyRomeIsHomeiPod_Lo.mp4
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 8:09am EST





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